Common Snakes of Pune

A list along with primary information about each species. Thanks to Anand & Vikram for compiling this one! !




5 responses to “Common Snakes of Pune”

  1. Pranav Pandit says:

    Its really nice to see the list of species of snakes found around Pune. Well compiled. I have a suggestion. The Latin names should be i Italics. Pls lest me know how I can contribute in it.

  2. admin says:

    Yup, have italicised the needful 🙂
    and with a free spellcheck too!
    New & Improved!!

  3. sumant joshi says:

    Does someone have a list of common snakes in Nashik?

  4. amol pardeshi says:

    i am snake lover,,,,
    & snake friend in nashik…..
    call me 09890496417 & 08149496417

  5. Giri Kumar says:

    The compilation is good but would have been more good had there been pictures